Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Weekend and More

Memorial Weekend was full of company and work and fun for us.  We had a very special visitor when Jen Hall, a Parelli instructor, drove down from Orlando to meet us.  She gave Nathan and I an awesome session, which I was not expecting but gratefully soaked up and learned tons from!  We met Jen when we went to the Parelli tour stop in Kentucky.

My SIL Katee asked her if we could come back and meet her horses and she graciously said yes.  
She is so much fun to be around.  I laughed when she said something about me having the same personality as her and said, nope, and said what I was instead and she said, "You sure?"  I told her that I was definitely sure.  I thought after she left that it is just she was so inspiring, she had me keyed up on her energy and exuberance level!

It was so neat to get to know her better and I trust it will be an ongoing relationship because she rocks both as a person and as an instructor!

My mom also visited us, because she has been worried about my physical state of being, and has been coming to help me to do some of the tasks here.  Which is super sweet.  I took pictures of her but she thought she was hot and sweaty and not camera ready, so I won't share them.  We got all of the living room and reading room painted which was wonderful!  Thanks, Mom!

Austin, Brittany and Ryan came and ate dinner with us and then we had some family fun together.  We had a very silly game where Nathan cracked us up all night long.
We are definitely entering the rainy season, which meant we did not get to do a bonfire when everyone was here, but hopefully we get a chance soon.  I am glad we are entering the rainy season, because that means I can hopefully keep the horses on grass and not have to do hay at all.  The storm clouds look quite nasty out here and the wind is pretty fierce too.
Although I still don't like having a house, I do love where we live.  It's so peaceful and I am enjoying our property a lot!  Most of all, I love that I can spend time with my family like we did this weekend!


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