Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Week Six

We are still settling in, and the past two weeks we are feeling more settled and a little more like this place is becoming "home" to us.  We are still working hard on all of our projects and then there are the horses.  The horses, the horses, the horses....I can't say enough about these lovely creatures that are sharing this space with us.

They seem to have settled in well.  We have adjusted to having them here well so far.  And we love having them come up to the fence when they see us.
We love watching them interact with each other out in the pasture.  We sit in chairs and watch them like they are the best entertainment ever.  Because they are the best entertainment ever.  And we love having them come up the fence when they see us.
In fact, I can't grab a picture of any of them in the pasture except for Chevy.  Because as soon as they see us, they are at the fence line.
Beyond marveling at the horses and learning how to be horse owners, we are working on house stuff.  My Mom came for the weekend (thanks Mom!) and we had a painting marathon that was very productive.  Here is the progress on the reading room so far:
I love how the green drop table turned out, although half way through the project I kept saying "that's a lot of green!".  Once it was done, I adored it!
Here is the progress on our bedroom:
My Mom painted the two cabinets that we got along with the one in my Reading Room.  We don't have a lot of cabinet space in the kitchen, so Nathan built shelves for me to give me extra pantry space.
We are probably half way done with the inside projects on the house, except the flooring which may not happen for a very long time.  We are planning to do the fencing for the front next and then we have more horse news.  In the meantime, we are working hard and enjoying the horses.  Which is just how we like it right now.


  1. Wonderful! How fun, and exhausting to get all these projects done and to see your fingerprints turning your house into your HOME!
    Love, love, love it!

  2. wow !! So glad you are finally calling this "HOME". I had no doubt that you would enjoy your new horses. The house is looking wonderful! You are so creative with painting and colors. It looks great! Looking forward to seeing your guys next weekend. Then it's our turn to come visit you!

  3. So that's where you hide the real food!
