Friday, June 27, 2014

1st Big Project This Week Done: Back Pasture

The past two weeks, I have been back to super busy mode.  I wrapped up two big projects.  The first one is one I have been working on for weeks: the back pasture.  The pasture looked like this when we moved in:

Our neighbor Micah bush hogged it for us.  It was good enough to let the horses use it after that.  There were still tons of trees back there though.  So Nathan used the stump grinder to dig out the stumps.  At that point, we were almost done.  What was left was the most time consuming though.  I had to go out and pick up all the tree branches and stumps by hand.
This is the third pile I have stacked up to be burned later.
Finally this week I got to the point where I could use the lawn mower back there.  And when I was done, we actually had a nice pasture back there!
Sometimes when you are working two to three hours a day at something, it begins to feel like you will never get done! This was one of those projects for me!  So I was especially excited to be able to see how great it looks now that I am done!
Now we just need the grass to grow in, giving the horses plenty of space to run and food to graze on!  
We are getting there!


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