Thursday, May 29, 2014

Chevy Update and Savannah's Ears

My Mom asked if I was losing my interest/love for Chevy because she didn't hear me talk about him and working with him so much since he arrived.  I assured her my love and interest and working with him is as strong as ever.  

I don't talk about him quite as much because he is the one I know the best, and right now I'm working hard to get to know the other three as well as I know him.  So I'm fascinated by all I am learning there and sharing that.

A quick update on the rock star: he is doing great!  Since I have three other horses out in the pasture and don't have space set up yet to work one on one with him, much of our interaction is out in the pasture or our yard with the three other (sassy) horses.  
Which means he has been exposed to lots of carrot stick waving, strings in the air, driving, tagging, big energy and horses reacting to it in sometimes stubborn and dramarific ways.  

All of which has been wonderful for him.  So much so that he has decided to start acting like the other (sassy) horses!  Which is fabulous!!!!  Whatever they do, he is right there wanting to do it too now.  Even when Nathan is out there, which is huge!
When I went to let them out of their feeding stalls today, he decided to see if he gets special privileges because he is after all my Chevy Chev, and I took the carrot stick and drove him back.  His response was to nonchalantly move one foot at a time as slowly as possible until I stopped.  I'm so proud of his progress and love seeing him transition in some big ways for him. 

I still adore him as much as ever and daily tell Nathan that I get choked up when I see him "right here".  It is one of the neatest things ever to me and I don't see me ever tiring of it, or him.

Savannah, his buddy, is doing great too.  She still has this thing with wanting to pin her ears as her default mode sometimes.
The good news is, as soon as I address it, she is quick to remember that we like nice and friendly ears here, just like at the sanctuary!
She is also a great one to ask me questions...what?  Is it the ears????
Yes, the ears Miss Vannah! problem!  I can do that!
Much better!  She is a gorgeous girl when she is soft and friendly!  You can see why Chevy is smitten with her, right?


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