Sunday, March 9, 2014

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets

Thursday started bright and early.  Today was the day to start painting the cabinets, and I wanted to get right to it.  I need some kind of kitchen to function well and I knew I wanted to paint the cabinets so I figured I might as well do it before moving my things inside the house.

The first step in the process was to remove all of the cabinet doors.  Then I had to scrub them and the trim around the cabinets really well with a de-greasing cleaner.  The next step was to sand everything down, and after that I put primer on them.  I was afraid I would have to do two coats of primer because the cabinets are not wood, they are a cheap laminate.  Luckily it only took one coat.

I worked on pulling up floor staples while the primer dried.  I had a helper but she pooped out before me.

Luckily she woke up again and resumed her duties and pulled up staples "like a boss" in her words.  She did rock at it!

After the primer dried, I put on the first coat of paint and this is where we ended for the day.  By the way, the really great part about having plywood floors is you can paint without drop cloths because you know they are going to be covered soon anyways.  That's actually the only great part, but today it was a huge plus!
I grabbed enough food and kitchen items to make dinner and we fell into bed exhausted again after dinner.

The next morning, I painted the second coat of paint.  I thought I would do the backs of the cabinets today but I ran out of paint.  So I tackled our bathroom and started cleaning it.  I pulled the entire shower doors out with a bit of help from Nathan.  They were really dirty and I just didn't feel like spending hours trying to see if I could get them clean when I hate shower doors anyways.  I'm glad I did pull it up because this was under the track.
I decided I could at least primer the backs of the doors when Diane from the sanctuary called.  I finished the painting and headed over to help her out because something was wrong with Gary and Robin had to leave.  Nathan went out to get more paint and supplies while I was at the sanctuary.  He was a saint this week, working long hours and then running around every night.  I really appreciated all he did.

The next morning, I was up at 6 am because I just wasn't sure what was going on at the sanctuary and I was worried about Gary and Robin.  I wanted to wait to see if I was needed again before jumping into a project.  At eleven or so, I decided I must not be needed and started painting the backs of the doors.  As I was halfway through the very first door, Robin called!  Gary had his appendix removed and they did need me.  So I finished painting as quickly as possible and headed over to the sanctuary.  

After wrapping up my time there, Nathan and I went to Wal-Mart because we needed even more things.  We did not get home until eleven.  It was another long day!  I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow!

This morning I was hoping I could finish this kitchen up and get everything moved over.  I got up very early and worked hard all day long and not only finished the cabinets but managed to move every single thing from the RV over to the new kitchen!  Nathan carried it over and I put it away.  Together we got it done. 

So, how did it turn out? Pretty good.  We really like it.  It is much brighter and cleaner looking.  I still have a few things to finish up, like door pulls and I am going to do white beadboard on the walls but it is at least functional now.  I'll show a little sneak peek and then take decent pictures tomorrow.
Off to bed for me, because I still have two bathroom vanities I want to tackle!  

Happy Birthday Ashleigh, our oldest girlie girl!  We love you!


  1. WOW - Girl you have been very busy! But despite the hard work, it sounds like you are enjoying this venture so far. Nice that the kids are lending a helping hand as well. You will have that place feeling like "home" before you know it. So excited for both of you. Can't wait to see the place...... but we'll wait till things settle down a bit. Give us a holler if we can do anything to help. Congrats!

  2. It makes me tired just reading about it! Great job on the cabinets. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end. :)

  3. I love your white kitchen! Where is your new home? How many acres? Is this an old ranch house? So many questions. I am happy for you! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. Our new home is in Myakka City, Florida. It is 7 acres. It isn't an old ranch house, just a not so nice/pretty house.
